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Works of the Flesh 2

Writer: Randall OwensRandall Owens

We spent several weeks going through the fruits of the spirit, and last week we began

the transition into the works of the flesh. In Galatians 5 these 2 sets of characteristics are

set against each other and contrasted, and today we’ll begin looking at these things and

breaking them down.

Now, it may or may not surprise you that as we get into these, we’re basically going to be

tying up a noose for our contemporary American culture. Something that struck me, is how

in the definitions for several of these words was the added context “often contrary to social

norms…” which would indicate the word was defined in a time of a generally moral society.

Unfortunately, that is NOT the case today. This list is essentially a list of social norms,

which will begin to highlight for those of us willing to take God’s Word seriously how

contrary we MUST be to our culture.

Not only worldly culture, but modern church culture et large also. Hopefully you wore flip-

flops this week, and when your toes get stepped on remember it’s God’s Word doing the


We’ll cover things that I’ve heard people ask our position on before, so if you ever wondered

where FUEL stands on certain issues, the answer is we stand where God’s Word stands,

which means this might end up being my most offensive message yet, both to heathen and

self-proclaimed righteous alike. Ought to be fun.

Randall often says we’re not afraid to slay golden calves, and bet ur britches we’re setting

up a bunch to knock down now.

As a note, this isn’t just something to do for the sake of being “edgy…” When God calls

Ezekiel to be a prophet, in Chapter 3 there’s a particular warning He gives Ezekiel.

God warns him that if he fails to let the wicked know about God’s warning, they’ll die in

their sin and bear the consequences, but God will require their blood of Ezekiel. However,

if Ezekiel warns them about God’s standard, and they don’t listen, they’ll die all the same

but at least Ezekiel would have delivered his own soul.You see, we have an obligation to be faithful to God’s Word, and unashamed of it, and to

give the warning. The burden for those who teach is high, and we here at Fuel fear God, not


This will also be one of those rare instances where I’m not pulling out a ton of support

scriptures as we go. Unlike many of the spiritual things we’re trying to understand, these

aren’t so sophisticated any mystical where we need to hunt down other uses to get an idea

about what its saying.

In fact, most other occurrences of these terms in scripture are, like Galatians 5, in list form

and in the same context of “don’t do these or else…”

Examples would be 2 Cor 12, Eph 5, Col 3, Romans 1, Acts 15, Matt 15, Mark 7, and so on.

The thrust of today will be understanding the breadth of what these sinful fruits are, so that

we can know to avoid them and repent for those of which we are partakers now; because I

can almost guarantee we’ll find ourselves somewhere in this list, and this is a call to


Getting started then, our source text is, as it has been, Galatians 5. We’ll read verses 16-21

to get us going, and then we’ll focus in on verse 19 for breakdown today.

Gal 5:16-21 ESV - 16 But I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the

flesh. 17 For the desires of the flesh are against the Spirit, and the desires of the Spirit are

against the flesh, for these are opposed to each other, to keep you from doing the things

you want to do. 18 But if you are led by the Spirit, you are not under the law. 19 Now the

works of the flesh are evident: sexual immorality, impurity, sensuality, 20 idolatry, sorcery,

enmity, strife, jealousy, fits of anger, rivalries, dissensions, divisions, 21 envy, drunkenness,

orgies, and things like these. I warn you, as I warned you before, that those who do such

things will not inherit the kingdom of God.

Quite the warning there. I doubt anyone here desires NOT to inherit the Kingdom of God,

but I guarantee every one of us has, is, and/or will struggle in at least one of these areas;

probably several.

Something Paul says in the middle there, is that the Spirit is there to keep you from doing

things you WANT to do… it’s a battle, it’s not easy, but it’s critically important that we

engage this battle and actively fight against these things by actively cultivating the fruits of

the Spirit we’d discussed previously.Now, important point before we dig in. As you find yourself in this list, don’t immediately

conclude that you’re going to lose your salvation for it. There are casualties in battle, and

for us in this battle it often means reaping the consequences for our failings, but so long as

we’re striving to align with God, and feel the proper remorse for our failings, His Grace is

sufficient and we’ll make progress.

The last one we’ll cover today, however, would be an alarming one notice in ones self, and

we’ll talk about more when we get there.

Now, our list for today, from verse 19. This is one of those instances where we’ll look at the

ESV to get started, but I’ll quickly jump over to the King James for one critical reason. The

New King James works here too, if you want words more familiar to your ears, and in fact I’ll

show all 3 as we get started.

Gal 5:19 ESV - Now the works of the flesh are evident: sexual immorality, impurity,


Gal 5:19 KJV - Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are [these]; Adultery,

fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness,

Gal 5:19 NKJV - 19 Now the works of the flesh are evident, which are: adultery, fornication,

uncleanness, lewdness,

Notice the difference? There’s actually 4 listed in most Greek manuscripts, but the

particular manuscript from which the ESV was translated is shortened. This isn’t one of

those more offensive omissions, wherein they remove whole verses, particularly because

the first word they omitted does essentially get covered by the second, but as a strict purity

check I’m sticking with the more complete versions on this one.

The first of these then, is Adultery. As much as we can often glean additional insight from

looking into these words from a Greek cultural sense, this one’s just as concise in English.

You cannot have sex with someone else’s spouse. Period, end of story.

Consent doesn’t matter, context doesn’t matter, if you show up at a party and they say to

throw your keys in the bowl…. Leave that party.

Now my first thought here was to look back at Matthew 5 where Jesus expands on the idea

of adultery in the Levitical law pertaining to more than the mere act, but in this case Paul is

using a restrictive sense of the word which solely implies the act. But fear not, the list will

be all-encompassing.

Anyone need more clarification on that one? Hopefully not.

2nd in our list is Fornication. This will take some more time to cover.This is the Greek word “porneia” which is where the ESV list begins when it says “sexual

immorality.” No surprise this is also where we get our English word “pornography,” which is

the depiction of things described by “porneia” for distribution and consumption.

As a measure of how far our modern culture has fallen from being a moral one, this

forbidden work of the flesh is now, globally, a roughly 100 billion dollar a year industry.

But what all does this entail? One point to make up front, is that while these words do get

used idiomatically in other passages to denote a spiritual sense, this list, in context, is

specifically speaking to WORKS of the FLESH, and are entirely speaking to how these

things are taking place, manifesting in our actions, thoughts, and intentions.

Therefore, you have no excuse in permitting such things by saying things like “oh you’re

being legalistic,” or “we’re not bound by law.” If you really dig into it, Jesus only RAISED the

bar for how we should act, not lower it. The main point about not being under the law is

that the physical judicial sense of the Levitical law isn’t in place, and the sacrificial sense

was complete in Jesus. The standard for how we live, however, did NOT decrease, it


That being said, fornication then includes:

Fornication – Sex outside of marriage, homosexuality, lesbianism, bestiality, incest, or sex

with someone who divorced for unlawful (God’s Laws) reasons.

Most of these, are again, fairly self-explanatory.

- If you’re single, wait until marriage.

- There are only 2 genders, and you’re only allowed to have relations with the opposite of

yours, and ONLY in the context of covenantal marriage.

- Humans are not animals, despite what your science class taught you, we’re a distinct

creation and you cannot marry an animal.

- There became a point at which it was no longer lawful to marry a close relative. remains true today.


The divorce part is complex. I will highlight the main points here, but I suggest if you’re

needing more on this to go to youtube, search for Mike Winger, and watch his series on

divorce. It’s the most thoughtful and comprehensive deep dive on the topic I’ve seen.

In both the Old and New testaments there are, despite what God would want for us,

tolerable reasons for divorce. In most cases, one partner was the offender and the other

was offended.If you just decide to get divorced, for some benign reason like “we just don’t love each other

anymore…” both of you commit adultery if you ever decide to remarry.

The most clearly defined justifiable reason for divorce is adultery. If you were cheated on,

divorce, and remarry, you’re ok.

IF you cheated, end up divorced, and remarry, the person you remarry commits adultery

with you.

Now, hear me out, IN EVERY CASE of marital infidelity, it is God’s desire that, as He has

forgiven us we should work to forgive each other and repair that relationship, maintain the


The extent to which we’ve been forgiven so far exceeds the extent to which we must forgive

the person who defiled that covenant. Since Jesus offered that to us, we must offer it

likewise to them.

It’s hard, extremely hard, but not impossible. God can absolutely redeem that marriage,

and He wants to.

The fact of the matter is, many of us fail in that regard. This is where we have to lean on

God’s grace, heavily.

If you’ve failed in this regard, and both you and your former spouse are single, God’s desire

is for reconciliation. In the same way we were estranged from God, having been fornicators

with false gods, yet He pursued us to forgive us and bring us back into relationship with

Him, we are to follow that example.

If you had been party to any of the forbidden types of divorce, remarriage, adultery, etc… it

is NOT now Ok to divorce the current spouse and seek reconciliation with the prior. You

have created a new covenant, albeit inappropriately, but you must keep it, and allow God to

make it clean. Confess your sin, and let the blood of Jesus cleanse you and your marriage

of all unrighteousness.

God’s grace, and the powerful forgiveness available in Christ’s blood can redeem your

situation, and you can move forward with that new partner, with Jesus.

All of these principles we just spoke about, however, only apply to normal male-female

marriage. If you’re engaged in homosexuality, pretending to be married, you’re not married

in the eyes of God. You’re committing fornication and are absolutely commanded to break

off that false marriage and repent.

No government on earth can overwrite or redefine the absolute and permanent laws of

God. Forgiveness requires repentance, and you can be forgiven for the lifestyle you’reliving, but you must repent and allow Jesus to restore in you a right mind, right affections,

and right relationships.

The same would apply to incestual relationships, or bestiality.

The last thing, and depending on the audience, equally or more “offensive” than what we

just covered, which is implied in the Greek word for “fornication” is probably the most

rampant form of it in our modern culture.

You thought roughly 50% divorce rates were bad, this next one is visible everywhere from

school yards to the $100B porn industry we mentioned, and everywhere in between.

The root of the word “porneia” indicates setting yourself up to be the object of lust for


This is the antitheses of modesty. How we dress, make ourselves up, present ourselves,

the pictures we post, etc… if what we’re doing is in any way intended to invoke lustful

desires in anyone else, we’re committing fornication.

This is so common that I think we’re desensitized to it almost entirely. So many clothing

companies are designing their products for this express purpose, to make us appear

sexually desirable. We might not even be considering what we’re buying or putting on, but

ignorance is no excuse.

Mind you, this is publicly. If you’re married, in the privacy of that marriage, go ham. Just

leave the provocative adornments at home so as not to entice others who are not your


Public ally then, It is imperative for us, as Christians, to be mindful of how we dress, how we

adorn ourselves; to consciously present in a way that will NOT provoke others to lust after

us. Because, if we don’t, it isn’t just the other person committing fornication by lusting,

we’re committing fornication by being provocative.

Standards of modesty MUST be applied by anyone professing to be a Christian.

Moving on to our 3rd entry on the list today, Uncleanness.

This is not like when your mom tells you to wash your hands before supper, or the way you

would be when you just got done digging a trench somewhere.

There was a Levitical sense which, like circumcision, is moot now. The Spiritual and

character sense of uncleanness however, is very much in view.

So, not including Levitical uncleanness, the Greek word “ak-ath-ar-see-ah” refers to:Being lustful

Overly Luxurious – which is to say flaunting wealth

Being reckless, i.e. impulsive; not thoughtful about one’s actions

Being wasteful, particularly the over extravagant use of the resources God’s blessed you

with for personally elevating yourself

Doing any otherwise good thing with improper motives.

This word for uncleanness then is digging into what Jesus was talking about in the sermon

on the mount, the intentions of the heart. People had been overly concerned with simply

moderating their actions, but their hearts and minds were corrupt. Jesus had made the

point that God’s concern is for your heart, and out of the abundance of your heart, the

mouth speaks.

Whatever you DO, begins in your HEART. When we are indwelled with the spirit a

transaction takes place.

In Ezekiel chapter 36, God is giving a promise for what will happen in the end days, as He

reconciles Israel back to Himself. It speaks to them finally receiving Jesus as their Messiah

and describes what happens when salvation comes.

Eze 36:26 KJV - 26 A new heart also will I give you, and a new spirit will I put within you: and I

will take away the stony heart out of your flesh, and I will give you an heart of flesh.

Our hearts are hardened, like stone, determined to sin and profane God. Becoming

Christians, we receive the Holy Spirit, and shed the heart of stone for a new heart, which

can be fertile ground from which the fruit of the Spirit can grow.

Therefore, like any good farmer we must inspect our hearts, and allow the Holy Spirit to

convict us as weeds grown amongst the good fruit. Such things must be plucked up and

cast into the fire, so as not to choke out the Spiritual fruit being grown.

So often Randall and I have spoken about not only doing well, but for the right reasons.

Uncleanness really boils down to selfish desires which satiate the flesh, and actions which

serve ourselves, rather than serving others.

If presented with the option to either benefit yourself and the expense of someone else, or

sacrifice for the sake of someone else, the right answer is ALWAYS to sacrifice.

Because Jesus has made the ultimate sacrifice for us, we don’t need anything else. Our job

now is to live as an example of that to others, ultimately so we can point to Jesus.While the primary meaning comes down to motives, there are a few tangible things being

discussed; lust being well encapsulated already through fornication, but how we treat

wealth is on the table still.

Jesus uses this word for uncleanness in Matthew 23 to describe, well I’ll let Him tell you.

Mat 23:27 KJV - 27 Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye are like unto

whited sepulchres, which indeed appear beautiful outward, but are within full of dead

[men's] bones, and of all uncleanness.[G167]

The idea of flaunting your wealth to elevate someone’s opinion of you like the Scribes and

the Pharisees did, would fall under this fleshly fruit of uncleanness. Similarly we see it

linked to greed in Ephesians 4.

Eph 4:17-19 KJV - 17 This I say therefore, and testify in the Lord, that ye henceforth walk not

as other Gentiles walk, in the vanity of their mind, 18 Having the understanding darkened,

being alienated from the life of God through the ignorance that is in them, because of the

blindness of their heart: 19 Who being past feeling have given themselves over unto

lasciviousness, to work all uncleanness with greediness.

Generosity, being one of the “Kingdom Keys” Randal talks about, is something to which

we’re all called. The more resources God’s blessed you with, the more you’re equipped to

show generosity to others. A clean heart prefers to bless others rather than elevating


An unclean heart boasts in it’s wealth, and seeks to elevate itself among men to appear

more important, significant; wanting the praise and approval of men.

Jesus said:

Mat 10:22 KJV - 22 And ye shall be hated of all [men] for my name's sake: but he that

endureth to the end shall be saved.

We’ll need endurance for how the world thinks of us and treats us. Endurance, because if

we follow Jesus, if we lead CLEAN lives, we’ll be hated of the world.

If we’re seeking to find favor in the world, to be loved by the world, we are contrary to how

Jesus called us and have compromised in our hearts and become unclean.

The last one. Lasciviousness. Particularly diabolical.

I’ll give you the list, but for the sake of time we’re really going to focus on what may be the

deadliest aspect of this work of the flesh.

Lasciviousness, the Greek word here being (es-e’l-gai-a) “aselgeia” includes-Unbridled Lust -Excess -Licentiousness -Lasciviousness -Wantonness -

Outrageousness -Shamelessness -Insolence

This word characterizes the throwing off of constraint, ignoring conscience with regards to

lust, sexual acts, wealth, one’s demeanor, respect for authority, how we speak, or acting in

reckless, malicious, and/or intentional disregard for rights, property, or safety of others.

Ultimately, this is a trait of lacking self-control. It is the freedom from inhibition and worry.

Now, I said up front that we’re going to find parts of this list which apply to us, and the

process of sanctification is cleaning us up making us more like Christ. It’s not that its OK to

struggle with these, rather it’s forgiven, so we can identify with our salvation, and not with

our sin.

This leads us to becoming greater in fruits of the Spirit, and shedding the works of the flesh.

Basically, saved people still struggle with things on this list, until we throw off the flesh


This last one today, however, tread carefully. If you have the Holy Spirit in you, it will convict

you of your sin, and push you towards repentance. If you’re saved, you have the Holy Spirit

in you.

If you are characterized by lasciviousness… you’ve subdued your conscience. You don’t

care about self-control. This is having a hard heart of stone, being unconcerned with your


It’s hard to say if a saved person can have this trait, because it runs contrary to what the

spirit does in us. I’ve thought for some time now the way we’ve cheapened the gospel, too

many people recited their incantation of salvation but continued to walk in death..

deceiving themselves.

The end of this list says “shall not inherit the kingdom of God.” This tells me something in

this list is the disqualifying factor, because certain pieces are struggles for us all and things

for which we’ve been forgiven.

This one, however, if you notice you don’t care about your sin… you need to seriously

consider your position regarding Jesus Christ.

Sin should bother you, and if it doesn’t you need to work out your salvation in fear and

trembling, surrendering to Jesus and pleading with Him to rescue you from your hardened


Jude warns us this would creep into the church, and what it means.Jde 1:3-4 KJV - 3 Beloved, when I gave all diligence to write unto you of the common

salvation, it was needful for me to write unto you, and exhort [you] that ye should earnestly

contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints. 4 For there are certain men

crept in unawares, who were before of old ordained to this condemnation, ungodly men,

turning the grace of our God into lasciviousness, and denying the only Lord God, and our

Lord Jesus Christ.

The heart of lasciviousness is one which denies the only Lord God, and denies Jesus.

If you’re free from inhibition and worry, you might also be free to justify yourself before the

throne, apart from Jesus. Not recommended.

So long as you draw breath, however, it isn’t too late. Confess your sins and He is faithful to

forgive them, and cleanse you of all unrighteousness. Don’t wait.

Christian or not, there is nothing gained by continuing in these works of the flesh, only lost.

While the flesh desires these things, to “feel good” in the moment, you’re only storing up for

yourself death, pain, and suffering.

Whether temporary as you reap the consequences of your bad decisions, or permanently if

you deny the cross and choose the flesh instead.

If you’re uncertain, please talk to one of the leaders here.

None of us got to where we are because we’ve been exempt from these things, we all

struggle too. The difference ultimately comes down to Jesus, and the degree to which

we’ve placed our trust in Him.



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